Sunday, 21 November 2010

How do I connect a desktop to wireless internet?

I figured I'd try asking this differently. I have wireless internet access, but all i have is a desktop. What do I need? A modem, a router, a usb wireless adapter, or all of the above?How do I connect a desktop to wireless internet?
get a usb wireless adapter. they cost $30 or so.How do I connect a desktop to wireless internet?
You can get a USB wireless adapter...or a Fixable Adapter that fits in to ur computers slot.....USB ones are a must buy in this case..and yh LINKSYS .......
all of the above. you can get it at any local computer store or RadioShack and it will set you back about 150 to 200 dollars.
Oopps didn't submit it.

You question is a little vague so I'm going assume that either there is wireless internet where you live. (Such as an apartment/condo) or you had someone hook up a wireless in you home. To connect to it, you will need a PCI wireless adapter, these go into you computer into one of empty slots inside. Since I don't have more information I would have to suggest you go with the Wireless N standard since it is the current standard and is backwards compatible. You can usually pick these up at Best Buy, and they can also install it for you if you don't trust your self to do it.

I suggest this over a USB because they are usually faster and don't have to run through software before the data is usable by the computer.

Here is a link.;type=product%26amp;id=1157068455017
This will help you a lot!:
Well my recommendation certainly isn't the cheapest option, but I do not recommend wireless. I recommend powerline instead. Powerline is sometimes inconvenient with laptops you want to carry around the house. However, you have a desktop computer which definitely does not need wireless.

Powerline takes care of 3 problems, security, signal strength, and signal interference. Yes there is outdoor power outlets, but you can still secure your network work AES encryption just like wireless. You get 5 bars no matter where you are in the house. Interference is a non factor for the vast majority of situations. If interference is a problem, there a noise filters you can buy. When there is interference with wireless, there's not much you can do.

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