Sunday, 14 November 2010

How do i get my wireless computer to gain access to the internet on my wired computer?

So what im asking is.

How can i use my wireless computer to share its wireless capabilities to the wired only computer next to it?

Yes i do have an ethernet cable i just dont know how to ';Bridge'; the connections.How do i get my wireless computer to gain access to the internet on my wired computer?
we have both a regular desk top computer downstairs , and a wireless equiped laptop upstairs.We have installed a wireless router downstairs at the location of the larger desk top computer. Now both computers are connected to the internet via the router, the big one down stairs is connected to the router by wire , and the laptop , upstairs , is connected to the router by its wireless capability and thus to the internet. The laptop also is connected wirelessly to our wireless capable printer. It all works just fine. Goodluck.How do i get my wireless computer to gain access to the internet on my wired computer?
why would you want to ? cable is twice as fast ..

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